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Student Affairs Committee
UR-017-14 · Serie · 1954-1975, 1979-1982
Parte de Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds

The Student Affairs Committee is a standing committee of Senate. Prior to 1966 the Committee reported directly to the President. The Student Affairs Committee is responsible for the conduct, activities and discipline of students. The membership of the Committee is the Dean of Student Affairs, two members of faculty, one student member of the Executive of the Student Council, and one student member elected by the student body.

Series forms part of the Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds and consists of records generated by the Student Affairs Committee whose functions include: considering, at the request of Senate, any matter relating to student affairs, and serving in an advisory capacity to the Student Council on matters concerning student activities, such as the establishment of new clubs, organizations or publications. These records include minutes of meetings and annual reports of the Student Affairs Committee (1954-1975, 1979-1982).

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UR-017-5 · Serie · 1957-1987, 1991-1992
Parte de Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds

The Committee on Academic Policy and Planning is currently a standing committee of Senate, although prior to 1966 it reported to the President. Until 1987 this Committee was referred to as the Academic Committee, the Committee on Academic Affairs, or the Academic Affairs Committee. The function of the Academic Committee was to act as liaison between the Faculty and the University Administration in academic matters and to deal with academic matters in general. The Academic Policy and Planning Committee oversees the Graduate Studies Committee (which was a Sub-Committee struck in 1969 which met until 1989), the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (was the Curriculum Sub-Committee until 1987) and the Alternative Approaches to Teaching Committee. In 1988 it also oversaw the Cooperative Education Sub-Committee and the Departmental Review Sub-Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to serve as consultant and advisor to the Senate on matters dealing with academic policy and planning

The membership of the Committee is the Vice-President (Academic), as chairperson, the Dean of Professional Studies and the Dean of Arts and Science, the Director of Distance Learning and Continuing Education, the Registrar (non-voting), six faculty members, elected by faculty: two representatives from Arts & Science, two representatives from Professional Studies, and two members at large and one third or fourth-year student representative named by student council. Chairs of the Committee have included Sister Margaret Molloy (1973-1974) and Dr. W. J. Shelton (1979-1980).

Series forms part of Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds and consists of records generated by the functions of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee, which include: to discuss, review, and study philosophies and concepts of education affecting academic programs and the university; to recommend to the Senate the academic terms on which any faculty, school, institute, centre, department, chair, or course of instruction may be
established or discontinued in the university; to consider proposals from the Undergraduate Curriculum and Graduate Studies Committee as appropriate; to recommend to Senate academic priorities of all undergraduate and graduate courses and programs; review and make recommendations regarding any agreement for academic cooperation made with organizations or institutions external to the university; form ad hoc committees of academic policy and planning as required to further the development of policy and planning of programs which at certain times may require concentrated attention and specific membership expertise; exercise such other functions, powers and duties as may from time to time be conferred on it by the Senate; nominate one of its members to the Graduate
Studies Committee. Fonds consists of inter-office memorandums and minutes of meetings of the Committee for Academic Affairs (1957-1987, 1991-1992); memorandums and guidelines for new course offerings used in decisions made by the Committee (1972-1974);
minutes of meetings of the Policy and Planning Sub-Committee (1979-1980); Three-Year Review of Courses and Programmes (1978-1979); preliminary report of the Sub-Committee on Interdisciplinary Studies (ca. 1970), and correspondence of the Review Sub-Committee (1986-1987).

Fonds also consists of consists of memos proposing a Graduate Studies Committee (1969), which was created that year to recommend the requirements for admission to Graduate study reporting to Senate. After 1989 the Graduate Studies Committee was a Subcommittee
of the Committee on Academic Policy and Planning and reported to Senate through that Standing committee. The membership of the Graduate Studies Sub-Committee
includes a Dean, as Chair, the Registrar, and one faculty member from the Committee on Academic Policy and Planning. Elected members include a member for each department having a graduate program, and one graduate student from each department having graduate programs, to be named by the Graduate Students Association.

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UR-017-15 · Serie · 1960-1975
Parte de Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds

The Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarship Committee is a standing committee of Senate. The first meeting of the newly-formed Committee on Admissions and Awards (originally there was separate Committee on Scholarships and one on Admissions) was held December 1966, and at various times this Committee has been known as the Committee on Admissions, Scholarships and Bursaries. This title was later changed to the Committee on Admissions and Scholarships.

The Committee serves as a consultant and advisor to the Senate on admission and scholarship policy matters. Members include the Registrar, the Dean of Professional Studies or the Dean of Arts and Science (alternate annually), the Assistant Registrar Admissions and the Financial Aid Officer. Also includes six elected faculty members, three from each division.

Series forms part of the Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds and consists of minutes of the Committee on Admissions (1964-1966), and the Committee on Scholarships (1960-1966), which were brought together when Mount Saint Vincent College became a University. Series also consists of minutes of the Committee on Admissions, Scholarships and Bursaries (1966-1975) generated when filling the following functions: recommending standards for both general and program-specific admission to undergraduate programs; recommending general and specific recruitment activities to attract student in keeping with the university academic objectives; evaluating exception and non-standard applications that fall outside established policies and to recommend appropriate action to Senate; recommending undergraduate scholarship standards and to work actively with Development initiatives in the specific area of endowment development to support and encourage university academic objectives and, reviewing annually the standing of students for awards, to receive and approve faculty and departmental nominations, and to allocate both entrance and in-course awards and renewals. The Committee also allocates the bursary portion of the scholarship budget.

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Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
UR-017-5-1 · Subserie · 1965-1968, 1979-1989
Parte de Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds

The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee is a sub-committee of the Committee on Academic Policy and Planning and reports to Senate through that Standing Committee. Referred to at various times as the Curriculum Committee (established in 1 965) and the Curriculum Sub-Committee, the committee's purpose is to serve as consultant and advisor to Senate on matters dealing with undergraduate curriculum. The membership of the
committee consists of the Dean of Professional Studies and the Dean of Arts and Science as alternating Chairpersons, the Registrar, two full-time members of faculty from each division and one faculty member at large, as well as one third or fourth-year student representative named by the Student Union.

Sub-series forms part of the Committee on Academic Policy and Planning series and consists of minutes, correspondence and background material created by the Curriculum Committee or Curriculum Sub-Committee (1979- 1989); and reports of the Curriculum Committee (1967- 1968) generated by the Committee when fulfilling the functions of reviewing and recommending to Senate in all matters of undergraduate degrees; serving as an advisory body to the various departments in areas involving undergraduate curriculum; recommending to the Senate qualifications for undergraduate degrees; and approving Distance Learning and Continuing Education non-credit programs. Sub-series also consists of minutes of meetings held by the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee with the Heads of various University departments (1965- 1967).

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Senate minutes
UR-017-1 · Serie · 1966-1997
Parte de Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds

Series forms part of the Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds and consists of meeting minutes, with agendas and supporting documents {1966-1997) supporting the functions of determining the courses of study and standards for admission to the University and for continued enrolment therein and the requirements for certificates, diplomas and degrees; establishing procedures for the evaluation of student performance; approving recipients of certificates, diplomas and degrees, including honorary degrees, to be granted by the University; providing for the convening and conduct of convocations; dealing with all matters arising in connection with fellowships, scholarships, bursaries, medals, prizes and other awards; being responsible for library policy; determining the academic qualifications for appointment and promotion of faculty; determining the academic terms on which any faculty, schools, institute, department, chair or course of instruction may be established or discontinued and on which any agreement for academic co-operation may be made with individuals or groups outside the University; and regulating the conduct, activities and discipline of students; and appointing an executive committee and such other committees as it may deem advisable and delegate to any such committee any of its powers.; letters informing committee members of their positions on various Senate committees (1990); a Report to Senate from the Committee on Academic Structure (14 Feb 1979) generated when the Committee was given the mandate to investigate all matters pertaining to the distribution of responsibility and communications throughout the University. The position of Vice President Academic was created as a result of this report.

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Nominations Committee
UR-017-13 · Serie · 1968-1982, 1989-1992
Parte de Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds

The Nominations Committee is a standing committee of Senate. Membership of the Committee consists of five elected faculty members, at least one of whom is a member of the Senate. Chairs of the Committee have included Joseph Foy (1972); Sister Mary Lua Gavin (1979-1980) and Joan Ryan (1980-1981).

Series forms part of the Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds and consists of minutes of meetings, memorandums and reports to Senate from the Nominations Committee, generated when conducting nominations and elections by Senate and faculty members, the functions of which are to secure nominations for faculty elections, conducting these elections, preparing and presenting to Senate, for ratification at the last meeting of the year, a slate of candidates for all Standing Committees of Senate, and to the Dalhousie Senate, and recommending to Senate changes in the procedures for nominations and elections.

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Communications Committee
UR-017-11 · Serie · 1969-1971
Parte de Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds

The Communications Committee was formed to keep the University community informed of Senate decisions and concerns. Senate then accepted the principle of open meetings and posting of agendas, and the Communications Committee was dissolved 25 October 1971, as the purpose for which the Committee was formed no longer existed. In 1971, the Coordinating Committee on Communications was created, reporting to the President's Office, and not Senate.

Series forms part of the Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds and consists of interoffice memorandums, reports and minutes generated by the Communications Committee (1969-1971) when keeping the University community informed of Senate decisions and concerns.

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Executive Committee
UR-017-2 · Serie · 1970-1997
Parte de Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds

The Executive Committee is a standing committee of the Mount Saint Vincent University Senate, originally formed in 1969. The committee currently consists of the President, as Chair, the Vice-President (Academic) and the Secretary of Senate (non-voting). It also consists of four faculty members of Senate on a rotating basis, and a student Senator. The faculty and student members are all elected. The functions of the Executive Committee include preparing the agenda for each Senate meeting, and acting between regular Senate meeting on matters of an administrative nature which would normally come to Senate but which require immediate decision. Such decisions are ratified at the Senate meeting immediately following.

Series forms part of the Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds and consists of agendas, minutes, background material and correspondence generated by the Executive Committee when coordinating the activities of Senate (1970-1997). Also consists of one sub-series: Tributes Committee (1991).

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UR-017-6 · Serie · 1970-1971, 1973-1974, 1980
Parte de Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds

The Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence is a Standing Committee of Senate, and was known in the past as the Committee on Appointments, Rank and Tenure. This Committee is responsible for matters dealing with the awarding of
academic rank, tenure and permanence to administrators with academic rank who are not members of the bargaining unit represented by the Mount Saint Vincent Faculty Association. The Vice-President Academic acts as Chair. This Committee communicates the decision
reached in each case of appointment, promotion and tenure or permanence to the Chair of Senate, to the President and/or to the Board of Governors, as appropriate. The Committee considers individuals recommended for Emeritus status, and makes recommendations to Senate concerning the granting of emeritus status. Members of the committee include four
elected members of faculty serving as members of the University Review Committee/University Review Committee for Librarians.

Series forms part of Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds and consists of records generated by various ad hoc and sub-committees of the Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence, whose functions included evaluating and determining the appropriate academic rank which academic administrators should receive upon appointment; and to evaluate whether or not the awarding of tenure or permanence in
an academic department (or jointly in several departments) is appropriate, as well to evaluate and determine whether or not the promotion to a higher rank is appropriate for academic administrators currently holding an academic rank at the Mount, and to perform all
evaluations according to the criteria and procedures approved by Senate. Records include the Minutes of the Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Appointment (1974) and the Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Re-Appointment (1973), and the Sub-Committee on Faculty Appointments, Status, Promotion and Tenure (1970-1971); minutes of the Senate Review Committee for 14 November 1980, and correspondence of February 1980.

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Committee on Cultural Affairs
UR-017-7 · Serie · 1970-1972
Parte de Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds

The Committee on Cultural Affairs (also known as the Cultural Affairs Committee) was organized in 1966 for the purpose of serving as sponsor and coordinator of cultural affairs involving the University. This Committee reported to Senate and met twice a year. The membership of the Committee consisted of representatives from each of the following areas: Music, Fine arts, film programs, Drama, the Public Relations Director, the Dean of Students and one member-at-large, preferably from the English Department.

Series forms part of the Mount Saint Vincent University Senate fonds and consists of minutes and reports generated by the Cultural Affairs Committee (1970-1972) when cooperating with other institutions in sponsoring cultural affairs, coordinating cultural events sponsored by departments or individual faculty members, and keeping a calendar of these events.

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